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Teslas in 20 years

| Like, anyone in the us can go to a used car lot and find at least one 15-20 year old luxury car that's in shit condition for under a grand.

These days, we look at teslas and go "holy shit that's expensive" but in 20 years, you could probably afford one from the current era for your kid's first car in high school.

| >>403021 Debatable. Autopilot might not function correctly, and some people are stupid enough not to care. So it'll probably be against the law to drive an unregularly-checked car in the future.

| Tesla cars are not even that good, don't fall for it

| >>403093

I mean, that's already against the law. It's just that countries have different levels of restriction in what's allowed.

Like in the US I can drive an old clunker as long as it has seatbelts and passes an emissions test (among other things, i'm sure) but, say, if it's too "loud" it would fail such a test in Germany.

| Aren't Tesla cars like really simple to put together? I recall a video of some dude who lived miles away from the nearest Tesla workshop and hat to fix his car(without knowing how) and he commented something like "They made a lego car. If you can make something out of lego you can make a Tesla car"

So if autopilot isn't just a fad and Tesla cuts it's BS we might be building our very own lego cars in our backyards!

...might. Might not.

| >>403250 where I am in the us, we don't even have to do that. As long as we have a title for it, we can get it registered. Kek

| >>403253

No safety and emissions test? wtf

| >>403315 unless you don't have the title, it usually doesn't need an inspection (signals, headlights, brake lights, etc) and emissions tests basically don't exist here. Tennessee basically allows anything with a license plate on the roads.

| >>403323

jesus christ.

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1536609369

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