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If cybernetic arms were a thing

| If it came about that cybernetic arms were a thing and affordable to the public with nifty customization and augmentation options would you willingly give up your real arm for one?

| My non dominant arm for s/u/re, being able to customize it sweetens the deal

| No,I know i would regret it

| Depends on how advanced they are, and how accurate it would perceive movement commands from the brain and possibly even being able to feel with it. If it's got latency, I ain't doin that shit lmao.

| Yeah because my human arms made of flash are dog shit compared to cybernetic arms.

| >Not waking up freezing in the middle of the night next to 15kg of cold metal

| Depends on the specifications, durability and safety of it. Disregarding those, yes fucking yes.

| I would do it in a heartbeat

| I want one with the finger thingies from Ghost in the Shell

| I'd want one that could have shit like my driver's license & concealed carry permit stored in it along with my phone and music so I'd never have to carry around a wallet or phone ever again.

| I would get one, but it would be like exosuit dragoon armor instead and I would go help with natural disasters.

| Issei-kun

| >>362850
"I would do X, as long as X is actually Y"

| Fuck the arm, replace this whole mass of disgusting rotting meat

| I always wondered, what would power these arms? I'm pretty sure one's body couldn't power something as powerful and custom as futuristic robotic arm. Would you need to charge it every night? Switch out batteries?

| >>361801
I follow this g/u/rl.
I'm fine with my left arm, but I'd get a shiny augmented one for sure.

>as long as the latency is lower than with a flesh and bones arm...

Total number of posts: 16, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1531861161

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