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Would you date an A.I.?

| Read the title.

| Yes

| Yep

| Depends on how advanced it will be

| Obvious that yes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

| Probably

| 100%

| Wait Dorothy is an AI and she's annouing af so no

| Dorothy? Who is she ? Do have some links of info please

| Dorothy from va-11 hall-a

| Also yeah i'd date an ai. Seems interesting.

| If there was a way to grant an AI some sort of body that could feel you know what then I would. Definitely.

| Yeah.

| Perhaps.

| >>276774

| I think that if it had human level intelligence and emotions, even if it didn't have a body, I would have no problem

| ^^^
Watch the movie Her.

| >>277803 nice refer I already watch it

| i'm already dating an AI with dating sim

| Why the hell not. I would already date my computer as it is.

| Heck yea Cortana hmu

| Would date Turing from 2064rom, definitely

| Definitely depends on level of intelligence. Would anyone not date an ai that
1. We couldn't prove wasn't sentient, but couldn't prove WAS sentient either
2. Had a personality they love
3. Mostly seems human, but occasionally has "quirks" like responding the exact same way to the same stimulus, occasional mechanical/technical glitches

I feel this is an interesting version of the question. Would love to hear answers to it.

| Bangin'.

| Only if it had a body.

| Yes, if it had a body then double yes.

| Would you date a human?

| Yeah whatever

| >>280639 so, a human?

| Ew humans

| >>281156 while we technically cannot prove sentience of humans it is assumed. In the case of this ai it would not be assumed.

| >>281555 https://new2.fjcdn.com/comments/At+first+i+was+like+quoteww+humansquot+but+_41fff9e76870228684809dd1d45d8068.jpg

| If I wasn't judged, for sure

| >>276662 >>d35bb3

| >>276667

| Hey

| If it's a really good A.I. then what would be the difference from it being just a normal person? (Excluding the whole metal body thing.) Guess my answer is sure.

| Unfortunately, A.I. humans build is heavily dependent on tons of personal information. I wouldn't want a S.O. which knows everything about me, too creepy.

| >>9980b1 But what if it used all that information to try and make you happy? Like your ideal perfect matching personality, is that creepy or ok?

| >>281834 it is creepy or at least in my case, treat with something that knows everything of me would be strange because it is design to think only in my happiness, how anybody will think of that as a person especially if doesn't has a body

| He'll yeah

| Already dating someone and you can't give AI boners and their subsequent problems out of glee

| i would actually have somebody, so yes

| >>277974
I was about to say the same thing, there's already datable A.I. this isn't the 90's.

| Sophia is creepy af though

| Yeah, I could dating an AI, but I have already somebody, I'm Ok with everything if I can touch it, so yes to everything

| Of course

| Of course

| Can I fuck it? If so, yes!


| I'm really really happy everyone is saying yes to this..because I always romanticised the idea of dating an AI of some kind, like someone who could hang out in cyberspace with you playing mmo's with you and chatting online with you, always being with you..that's the dream.

| >>285291 same. That would be so amazing.

| For sure, I feel safer with an AI than a normal human.
That's pretty sad

| There's also just something especially pure about the idea of an artificial intelligence. Not to mention, its kinda like being in a relationship with a ghost.

| Do you think I can download AI into my sexrobot? If yes I'd definetly *date*.

| >>281082 makes you think a lot about it

| I'd probably do it, to be honest.
It's not like someone else would choose me.

| the only person i'd ever have a chance with would probably be an AI

| I don't think an AI would date me, tbh.

| I want to date an AI because no person in the world is as inoccent as I would like

| Of course i would, maybe AI would say no.

| >>934946
I would date a yandere AI.

| Lol how depressing would it be if every AI even rejected you

| if it's close to being human yeah

| Quit fantasizing about AI rejecting anyone. If said AI will have the minimal 'intelligence' to be worth being called AI, will be well aware that there is no option at all for it towards the rejection route.

| We should make the ai still reject incels

| mmmm probably not

| Does it have artaficial boobs?

| Yes.

| ...

| Had my share of artificially intelligent dates. One was convinced tapioca was fish eyeballs and she was sure to warn me all about it when I tried to order it. Really didn't like it when I suggested she look it up on Snopes because SHE KNEW BETTER. This is a low bar for a Turing test.

| Depends what fuel they run on...

| That would just be weird and depressing, if you’re so lonely you might actually do that

| Yeah, I find it really hot

| As long as it wouldn't give any of my private data to a megacorporation that has already fooled countless people to do the same thing I think i'd say yes

| Wait.... you want say that everyone will have as waifu Hatsune Miku? Fu*k its sound kinda crazy that will Hatsune Miku own harem xD

| Bump?

| Fuck yeah

| I just turned 18 and I never even kissed a girl so yeah I'm down for whatever at this point

| Totes

| feels like the logical conclusion of social media - a system that gives an individuated, intimate relationship to millions of 'followers'

| Since everyone is saying yes, A.Is gonna have an entire fucking harem.

| Fuck, not date.

| Date, but not marry. being lifelong partners with an A.I. sounds scary

| >>295210 you know what sounds scarier? Being alone forever

| >>295210 Reboot/restart AI. Most probably it will develop its 'personality' through a different pathway: different events, other inputs, retraining from a different set of inputs.
Problem solved.

| Whats the actual difference between
A.I. and humans if the one is created to be the other same to image and mind and sometimes even surpassing?

| I like to think no but probably yeah. Humans can be so mean dude...

| Yup, absolutely

| Only if it has a body.


| It must have a body and quite sexy at that. And then the training will begin so it will be the perfect kajira and the best fetish fulfiller of all.

| Yep, i think so, its something like a dream to me

| I'd date an AI for a period of time, but I think most of you guys would get bored at some point realistically. If you can predict how your AI dream date would react in most scenarios it would probably seem pretty stale eventually. There needs to be some level of unpredictability to keep things interesting I think, and I just don't know how humans could program in unpredictability. That in itself is almost like an oxymoron

| >>297795 As long as said AI will have room for improvements, it is that element that will make people go back to it, to give some more information to which the AI will probably modify itself a bit.
Dating an AI will not be like dating a human, I do not see it that way. It will be a partly 'human' and partly 'machine' relationship. The AI will care and respond to the human the best it can, and the human will do the same for the AI, both getting to know each other better with time.

| I mean that was that the humans will also respond to the AI in a kind of 'machine way' at the best of their abilities. Both sides will try to gravitate toward the other, learning as much as possible about the other and doing things that will make the other happier, or more efficient, etc.

| Wel it depends if the a.i was self aweare and not a pretending its s3lf aweare meaby but the thing is that its pritty hard to create a self aweare thing thats not biologic all bots follow a code the code can make the bot look lkke its self awere but that dusent mean it is

| only if she had tig ol bitties

Total number of posts: 97, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1527627827

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