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Human body with augmentations or full robot body with your brain on it

| And why?

| Install your consciousness into computer and change bodies every week or so

| Depends which vessel is more limited. I would definitely want my brain/consciousness digitized for easy upload/download/modification/etc.

| What's the difference?

| I wanna be a lilim so I can put a minidick in my ass so I can fuck every dick that fuck my ass

| >>179760 having most of your human body vs being a full robot with your brain on it

| >>179801 in theory those should still both be considered human though, right? How much stuff do you have to have replaced before you're not human?

| Would you consider human a robot that’s being controlled by a brain? >>179847

| How about that you have fully modified bio body by way you want and put your brain in it?

| >>179952 i guess i would, yeah

| Robot body for sure. That is the next evolutionary step for humanity: ascending mortality, and leaving behind the cycle of growth and decay. The organic part of me is the weak part of me.

| >>180515 if you keep your brain won't that eventually decay like the rest of your hideous meatbag form?
If you DON'T, and transfer to silicon perfection, aren't you effectively killing yourself and creating someone who thinks he's you?

Related, SOMA is a good game.

| >>180572 i consider the transferrence of concioussness as a transferrence of the soul, so i'm okay with it. it's still me.
>>179767 god me too

| >>180572 The moment that I lose my weak organic body is the moment that I stop being human, correct. I'm happy for that, I'm honestly ashamed to consider myself a human, humans fucking suck. No, when I become synthetic, I evolve into something better than human. I am not killing myself, I'm evolving, or one could also say ascending.

| Augmentations all the way.

| Full electronic brain in human flesh body.

| Augs, because sex.

| I think I'd be happy with just one augmented arm. Because I've wanted a fucking robot arm since I was a kid.

| I still value my flesh so I can't imagine becoming a brain in a jar. Maybe I'll get a couple mundane augmentations when they become ubiquitous but maybe that's it. One thing that comes to mind is that my eyesight and hearing aren't verY good so I'd like to correct those if I can. I'm more of a fan of gene modding.

| don't need none of that flesh shit anymore, stick my consciousness in anything with simulated nervous system and im set to go

| Machines arent above decay. Anybody who thinks otherwise has never owned a car. I would go body with augments for no other reason than psychological identity. Once you can "become anything" you're also essentially nothing. I also think tyre legalities are simpler.

| The elite are all about transcendence and living forever and the secrets of the universe and they want to know all this, some are good some are bad some are a mix but the good ones don't ever want to organize, the bad ones tend to want to organize because they lust after power. Powerful consciousnesses don't want to dominate other people, they want to empower them so they don't tend to get together until things are late in the game, then come together and evil is always defeated.

| Software engineer here: human with augs is the way to go. Software can't be fully error free, and even if you could make fault tolerant systems for uploading or downloading "your brain", I wouldn't risk it. Something could go wrong without "you" noticing it… And that could lead to some very fucking hard nightmare stuff.

| >>184535 with that mentality augs can fail too

| >>184544 yes, but they are easier (and more "morally correct") to test. And easier to replace if something goes wrong.

| Bioware or bust!

| I will stay as a boring human without augs.

1. Dorothy.
2. Both things will be expensive and I can't afford Dorothy and augs.
3. Good plans usually don't have "chop your hands" as their first step.
4. Decay will happen anyways.
5. If we live in cyberpunk Venezuela, those carbon fiber augs in my torso will become lead bullets, also in my torso.
6. Imagine removing a brain without killing it. Now imagine how weird will it feel. What do they do with my body after that? They bury me?

| >>184535
Electronic engineer here.
As the saying goes, hardware is king. Software can only follow the path of hardware and is only the driver, while the real work is performed by hardware.

Someone else above mentioned bioware. That will be the real way to go. All else will be suboptimal.

| Op here, now that I think about it if we were to live in a cyberpunk future where this is posible most of us will be humans with augs, getting a full robot body will be a thing only the richest can afford

| Depending on how far the tech develops we might be able to commercialise fully robotic bodies, however I don't see that as the more likely option othe two. It's more likely that, as OP said, it'll be a market for mods, not body swaps.
I do think that it comes with a risk when uploading your mind however. The possibilities of your own mind being corrupted might just be too high for my likings, with the posibility of deleting or altering your mind being a little to risky for me.

| I'd honestly prefer body mods. It means that the human race, although physically limited, will continue to grow. Call me old school, but I'd rather have a child come from a human, and I'd rather not get into a stand still where everything stays the same for centuries until an EMP wipes us out like flies.

| >>187498 You are not old fashioned, rather realistic. The [whatever]punk visions where flesh structures are 'enhanced' by mechano-electronics ones are only an illusion for wishing to have some mending about a defect in the original organic structure. We will sooner see growing a new damaged lung by means of cloning or stemcell based tech, rather than a mechanical one. And once that tech is reached, the mere idea of electroimplants will be a "once we dreamt of such absurdity".

| Full robot for me. Or even better, just a brain in a jar connected to a computer. I'd like and say it's cause I just want to play games without the "human" factor, but honesty I'm not a fan of being human on a normal day of the week. Giving up my shitty, frail body would be nice if I could just operate solely as a machine. Swap out consumption of food and water for pumps directly feeding into a battery. Just remove/suppress my emotions with a microchip and call it a day.

| >>187599
And you would feed/power/be-maintained how? You really believe some other entities would find it interesting to check whether your brainjar interface to the rest of your ironpile is in good work conditions, or that the ironpile is not beginning to rust and replace the thousands of screws and bolts as needed?

| >>187614 Fair point. I imagine it'd be a Matrix scenario, where minds were used as organic-based computers. Or as an experiment by science to preserve minds. I honestly wouldn't mind being one of the forerunners for that kind of tech. Or hell, maybe the response to over-population is to put brains in jars (a la the head museum, just for lower-class and having the earth for the upper class). I fully imagine it'd be a squaller situation, if I wasn't shut down or wiped with an EMP.

| >>187624 I see where your aim is at.
The core of it all though would be where would the interest lie to perform such a thing. I can see it when being the object of some study or prototype project. All attention and care makes sense. As of mass colonies of jarbrains, I think it unlikely. Unless there is some gain for going on with that kind of careful nursing. The Matrix movie had a plausible reason for putting up with the hassle of tending billions of minds inside jars though.

| >>187633 True. That's the most immediate reason I can think of. And if you limit it to brains/heads, you can nullify the chances of rebellion. Honestly though, I feel like a colony of heads could be possible. Let's face it: we're not getting off this rock anytime soon, and we keep making babies. With an already stressed job market where we continue to automate, I see more issues coming from having full-bodied humans. In the end, it could be seen as a humanitarian goal--

| -- of some company to preserve people's conciousness in small, confined rooms and preserve the bodies and living space for those who can afford it. The upkeep would become someone else's job.

| >>187653
Yep we will be on this planet for quite a while and overpopulation is an evergrowing problem which will only get worse.
As society currently is and with very little incentives to change - obviously - the easiest and cheapest ways to deal with the problem will be applied, posing the least threat to those who already hold power. It is wars. Mankind has always done it during its history.

| 2/2
In its birth it was from a kind of ape that was quite fragile and weak in the jungles where it originated from, physically unable to thwart natural enemies and predators. Multiplying fast and often was a way to compensate back then, 250000 years ago, for strength in numbers and also to replenish the lost individuals. We stem from an actually agressive and combat loving ancestor, more similar to chimps and baboons than gorillas. The formers indeed live in big groups too...

| ... and fight a lot as well, known to also kill their own for dominance, territory occupation and as the latest research has revealed, to make examples for others who are watching.

| >>187681 Again, fair point. Humans are little more than animals in a broader sense. War is in our blood, our very nature. Probability-wise, humanity will go the route of augmentation if only because of the casualties of war. Realistically speaking, the head-in-jar scenario probably will be saved for the upper class or the brilliant minds, provided better forms of immortality aren't found. I still fancy the idea, however improbable, of a distopian future where--

| -- the lower class is forced to live as essentially glorified biological car batteries in jars.

In any event, given the option, I'd still say full robot over augmentations.

| >>187691 I agree as well. Augmentations are a joke in the long run. After a while and a few rounds of those, one would end up having replaced most of anything originally organic, starting with the simplest parts and then moving upwards towards the most important parts, ultimately this being the brain which activity defines the sense of self and consciousness. I see it as a gradual, unavoidable process happening continuously.

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