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How many people here still love Lain?

| Me 1st.
I love Lain.

| >>172559 gay love?>>e21128

| This place is dead

| Love is lost here

| Yeah me I do

| Lain is love

| Love, forever, unchanging

| Latín?

| >>173571 Lain?* lol

| I do. Don't care what anybody says. Watching SEL was an unbeatable experience. I've rewatched the series many times and plan to continue to do so until I'm old.

| >>173605
SEL is really a masterpiece, I totally agree with you.
Hence, I declare /lain/ alive again!
Love Lain.

| Love Lain

| I do


| Lain? Never heard of her? Does she show up in SAO?

| I <3 Lain

| Lain is a lie.

| I do. And I think everyone should too. Because she's watching us right now. Yes, all of us. In the present and in the future. Bit we can also watch Hero, you know.

| >>175721
How can she be watching me when reality is just a figment of my deranged imagination and I have not imagined her?

| Let's

| >>175751 you have, you just don't know it yet. How else could you have created this thread anyway

| Lain is awesome

| Lain is not waifu material, please ban me

| >>177296
But you're right. Lain shouldn't be sexualized. Doesn't mean you can't love her though.

| >L a i n

| >>177303 lain is a her? I'mma moron.

| This place is more calm.

Total number of posts: 27, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1520586060

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