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| This story is dedicated to all those cyberpunks who fight against injustice and corruption every day of their lives.

Don't let the bastards grind you down.

| Thank you! Every word of encouragement helps because it's so tough being the only one in my small town that is actively fighting against state corruption in the psychiatric care. I spent all night yesterday writing down everything I've been trough and I'm planning to publish it one way or another after taking them to court. It seems like they're motivated by political prosecution of imagined political views (lol)

| where they will bully everyone who they suspect of wanting to decriminalise weed which is a political point that I have never engaged in or talked about ever. At least two people have committed suicide as a result of the bullying. My country is still in the "satanic panic" state when it comes to weed and we used to have anti-drug youth camps that were basically brain washing camps where there were serveral instances of sexual abuse and full on rapes of teenagers by staff.

| And lately there has been talks about political prosecution by local municipal officials and politicians so I'm going on the next meeting in early Januari to scout that out and make some new connections. I have also heard rumours about political persecution and bullying in the local court. It's worrying but motivating since I will never stop fighting for justice, stability and accountability in my municipal(and country) in the face of hate and corruption.

| please be careful and don't destroy yourself or be a delusions person I love you g/u/rl!

| You got this

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1735649739

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