I am the poλ


| hi the poλ!

| half-life period?

| >>1034892
it's right-wing larping

| >>1034907
how would the left-wing larping go?

| >>1034907
uh-huh, understood.
Same question!


| >>1034919
something like this

| >>1034919 >>1035065
She's referring to the far right paramilitary larping group with the same name

| >>1034919 alot of people already do it lnfao

| >>1035392
oh, so serious, a have bad feeling about it.

| >>1035458
i dont. i think they're pathetic losers wholl never amount to anything

| theyre called p o lambda? is it like /pol/? that was a facebook raid on 4chan or something where the kiwi farms andrew tate brought an army of syrian turks against czeck vienna or something?

I've heard of like atomwaffen where they hurt themselves and others :( and were irresponsible on the daily stormer but I stopped reading it because it made me too scared about all the bad stuff and no happy solutions and my life is moving forward more now.
I like you thanks <3

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1733808517

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