This thread is permanently archived


| 1

| tua

| There is a rogue star that has been passing through our galaxy for nearly a millennia. We will meet it in one of the great voids between the spiral arms. No time for Hawk Tuah.

| >>1031614 we should spit on tha thang xDDD

| >>1031614
Is it a red falling star with magical properties as the prophecy foretold? Will it bring magic and dragons back into the world?

| 6

| 7

| 8

| 9

| 10

| 11

| twelve

| 13

| Four teen

| 0xF

| fünfzehn

| >>1032620
It is already, see here >>1032609

| 16

| (16)+(1)

| 0000 1001

| F_8 - F_3

| 100/5

| 9+10

| 21

| 22¥

| 23₽

| 24h

| my toy's length

| 26 mm

| 27e+7 ₽

| 28

| twentuah nine

| 29

| 3e+1

| 30

| >>1033738

| call lastday(oct)

| 31

| -31

| 32

| -32

| 33

| 50

| 34

| 35

| my age

| 15

| >>1034095 uohhh underage children on /u/ ToT uooooooohh blue archiveeeeeeeee

| >>1034095
haha smol gurl
gugu gaga
eat ur poridge fussy baby

| >>1032665

| 37

| 36

| >>1034154

| 38

| 37

Total number of posts: 56, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1733036822

This thread is permanently archived