The wired

| Could we see the Internet shift to something like the wired over time if the users carved out their own spaces again away from the core web?

| How is the wired different from the Internet as experienced in lain? Couldn’t everything which happened done so in (is this where I mention) vrchat and email? It was just people talking so much as I recall.

| idk, never watched lain

| >>1025558
it is never late!

| I think it's that 90s liberation idea of the Internet. That it was meant to tie us all together in a singularity. Instead it's porn and economies of people talking to themselves.

Maybe if star trek happens, but even then it'll probably just look like early internet hippie stuff.

| >>1025606
I think it’s because while if everyone on the internet talked to each other constantly, we would care about each other more and become closer to one being, right now there’s no incentive to, because others don’t offer a reason to care about them so much : (

Even if we get brain implants, will there be much desire to experience the lives of the poor?

| >>71c403 probably, but it'll be as entertainment. Think like slumming during the victorian era.

People's lives not as people but as content. In dreaming of electric sheep there's a bit where you can put on a machine to experience anything you want and it's horrifying.

It's like when women got depressed and they gave them hard drugs.q

| mmmmm. I still think there's a solution somewhere in there. If you connect anyone's experiences such that those more caring about others succeed more, you'll have a good thing going, and things like laws and literacy do have that effect. I'm going to guess bosses remoting into employee's heads to see if they're doing a good job will make them care a little bit more, even if it just moves the needle.

| >>1025586 I'm 12, 12 is old

| >>1025645
Oh, so it is early for you.
Study well, when you will turn (well) 20, then try to watch it.
In general, it's too early for you to come here, shoo to study! And after welcome back.

| >>1025651 I'll watch NHK and be like mc guy (first half)

| >>1025653
oh that's bad example, turns back on right way before it late!!!
The knowledge will be you arms.

| Can't, because it's mostly wireless these days. You.re welcome.

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1724827346

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