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We must rise up against /tech/

| It's so unfair that only /tech/ and /u/ get posts while /lain/ is dying.
We need to stop thinking about Obama and Lain fanfic and start writing some quality posts.

Lainers, rise up!

| I love fanfic with Lain and Alice

| Lainbama vs self cosplay artist mma rule which one gonna win?

| Fanfic about Lain I can understand, but about first one I do not get.

| >>1016508 lainbama

| >>1016645
Still not get it. This is sound similar to Alabama? Why connecting names both of Lain and Mr. Ex-president?

| >>1016656 like OP said, there was an abnormal amount of lain x ex-presidents on /lain/ for whatever reason

| >>1016656 lain Obama

| >>1016676
This is not so much abnormal as weird.
But I understood what it means. Thanks you an OP!

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1718842782

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