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what is wrong with you people?

| You are even making serious answers in some threads, or using "normie" talk, and meanwhile /lain/ almost died! I'm very disappointed and mad from all of you, you should have to feel ashamed, you don't have right to call yourself g/u/rls! None from you! As for the rest of you, how could you believe all those lies? G/u/rls? You’re just the opposite! I hate you, and I hate you! And you! And I hate myself the very most, for playing your stupid games!

| And not having the strength to stand up to you!

| Based and correct

| Everlasting
True love
/lain/ is dead

| Lay out what I am supposed to do here please

| >>1016272
I mean, /lain/ has always been the deadest board ever since the beginning

| /lain/ is dead
long live /lain/

| Is OP a genuine retard?

| >>1016305 like anyone can afford the real deal in this economy

| >>1016308
Genuine Retard™ is the second lowest grade of retard though

| The need 4 sneed

| >>1016272
Meh, are you played in original game? (Serial experiments Lain).

| I am not, till now, it needs to be fixed!

| i hate sex

| >>1016412
A good thing will not be called sex.

BTW, do you prefer to continue the birth through test tube and injections?

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1718535333

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