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Meet n Fuck


| no.

| 1

| Sure thing, when and were?

| If you're in Virginia sure

| >>995561 Virginia sounds as Incelland


| >>995589 kek

| Any germany g/u/rls here who want to hook up?

| >>995683 Mit mir züchten.

| >>995561 but we would get kicked out if we stopped being virgins!

| >>995684 >Mit mir züchten

Klingt wirgendiwe nach Google Translate oder DeepL. Sicher, dass du aus DE oder einem anderen deutschspachigen Land kommst?

| >>995783 can't say about them but ich bin ein wahrer Deutscher und ich kanns beweisen:
Ich zahl der Deutschen Bahn 29 Euro fürs Deutschlandticket weil ich Studi bin hell yeeeaaaaaah!!!

| Any Louisiana g/u/rls?

| If you are German and you speak German ur just cringe

| >>995914 din't be germanphobic g/u/rl

| >>995866
Ooh me me!!!

| >>995801 Hast du's gut, ich zahle die vollen 49 Euro.

Bist du eigendlich derjenige aus München, einer der Fischköppe, oder noch jemand anderes?

| She must: be taller than me, be stronger than me, be beautiful, and do blowjob on demand.

| >>995561
sounds like a plan, where do you want to meet?

| >>996463
your mom already has a line

| >>996452 Bin aus München aber weiß nicht ob ich DER Münchner bin lol

| >>996758 Schade, ich bin einer der Fischköppe.

| >>996489
If you're for real I'm near RVA. You?

| >>996907
I'm real.
RVA is a few hours west for me, but at least you aren't from NoVA.

| >>996764 *fickt deinen Mund aus weiter Ferne*

| >>996988
Oh lol I just usually go with RVA because I assume people might actually know where I'm talking about, it's a little ways west of me too

| >>997095
I know the area pretty well, so I've probably heard of or driven through wherever you're from, lol
I'm just glad you aren't planning to shank me in RVA!

| meet n H U H?

| >>997239 meet n hold hands (unprotected)

| >>997318 you sick fuck

| Hold her hand now
Suck her cock later

| >>997318 stop it! We don't want to be parents!!!!

| >>997090 YAY, Entfernungsfick

| Meet Ear Fuck

Total number of posts: 35, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1706380761

This thread is permanently archived