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Submissive and breedable or..,

| Floggable and fillable?

| Nephew

| Me~

| What about Dominant and unfertile?

| >>994725 dominants can notice me~ <3 :3

| I'm more aubmissive and hypnotizable

| >>994917 hypnosis is good taste

| with tentacles, anything is possible~

| >>994951 hypno what? Can you try it on me? *Stare* *blushing*

| >>994917 hypnosis? Don't be silly, there's no way that it would work. *Exposes breasts.* You really are annoying you know? Would you already stop? You can't hypnotize anyone.

| >>994951 it's one of my very favorite things, yeah.
>>995196 I'm more one to be hypnotized than doing the hypnotizing, but hypno scenarios are fun in general

| I love sex.

| >>995196 >>995235 try hypno on me please~

| >>994917 >>995087 >>995196 >>995235 >>995299 *hypnotizes you and orders you to do lewd poses*

| >>995324 Wh-what's happening to me..? *I drop to the floor on my hands and knees and face away from you, exposing my pink panties under my skirt. I arch my back as if I'm in heat.*

| >>995325 *stare in your eyes* i don't understand, but can we kissing and cuddles for whole night?

| >>995324 *Lifts leg all the way up, holding onto it.*
Are you finally done with your hypnosis crap? I'm busy and I have stuff to do.

| >>24690f *crawls over to you and feels you up slowly, matching my lips with yours* Mmmm~ I'll cuddle you. *wraps my arms around you tightly and kisses you deeper, not able to control my thoughts anymore. My moans escape my mouth as our tongues touch desperately.*

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1705477271

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