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God I wish I was Frisk

| Imagine just living forever in sealed off paradise that Ruins are with your loving goat mom you will breed every single day and no one outside of your home will know.

| I love sex.

| >and no one outside of your home will know.
I get that it's exciting to fuck your mom, but isn't it even more exciting to fuck your mom and be smug about it to everyone else? Something something taking their "taboos" and breaking it over your knee.

| Kris's mom son dynamic is more hot tbh

| >>991670 given Kris's disobedience to our inputs, I think it doesn't matter how often you'll try, Kris won't fuck Toriel. Or maybe they will, but they'll prevent the player from seeing

| >>991665 yeah, nice to be smug until you get canceled so hard like the creator of The Coffin of Andy and Leyley

| How the fuck is cancelling real? Just walk away from the screen, LMAO.

| walk away from the game lol don't make weird shit next time lel

| I agree with the goat fucker

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1704217949

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