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Bottoms against Bottom Rights

| We, the bottoms, have been living far too long in peace and free from the shackles of oppression from the tops! We must return to our glorious past! Bring back the oppressive shackles of the tops! We will fight until the last right is taken from us! Let us rejoice in solidarity and make the tops once again our rightful rulers once more!


| I'm too submissive to fight. Sorry

| >>980623 let's begin our revolution by teasing them and asks "am i good g/u/rl? *Lean to her on shoulder*"

| DOL player moment

| who told you that you had rights?
Now, get on your knees like the good girl you are.

| >>980915
Just as the good lord intended.

| >>980915 *getting on knees* and~ *stare in eyes*

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1697616358

This thread is permanently archived