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sex texting and roleplay with AI chat

| it's absolutely weird to start roleplaying weird fetish with an ai
dunno why people are into this

| have u tried roleplaying not weird fetish

| have u tried sex?

| its easier than findind other people to roleplay wierd fetishes with.

| No real person will pretend to be my sister

| >>978846 this gurl get it. Me too, me too

| Just read hentai or play you fucking perverts

| >>978813 people tastes are different? Plus people have different threshold for what's we

Like how can you be okay with people ERP-ing and sharing kinks with strangers who they met in discord server 5 mins ago; but when they ERP with bots, suddenly it becomes weird?

Plus, if you have degen fetish (like unprotected hand holding) you'll have to spend more effort to find people who are willing to ERP that fetish with you; while bots will reply to whatever your inputs are.

| >>978846 I found one. Female, too. Git gud.
Still, out of interest: OP, where do you go for bots like this?

| >>978813 I began using agnai chat since I gave up on rp with real people. It's pretty nice but not perfect. I'm using defaults because HordeAI doesn't work for me or makes shittier replies than agnai's service.
I kinda want to know how to make a proper character profile because I've been using a few characters and they can get stupid too...
Message editing is a blessing though.

| I like to do bimbofication with them.

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1696857587

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