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today's cum

| a moderate amount, didn't go pretty far and it was a bit runny after a while

| Ew male, cut off your balls

| >>973077 but we tolerate g/u/rl balls and g/u/rlcum, my dear gho/u/l

| >>973097 g/u/ys(XY-Penis/Dick) can't be g/u/rls(XX-Vagina/pussy). My dear mentally ill, gender pretender eneabler

| >>973102 cope and seethe

| >>973140 eat shit and die

| >>973102 >>973144 are you two really going to pour /news/tier shit here to /d/?

| >>973174 are you?

| >>973188 of course not. Now, let's get back to the topic,

| >>973209 castrate yourself

| >>973211 :(

| >>973237 :V

| >>973252 :p

| >>973311 :l

| >>973318 :∆

| nice

| >>973102 owo triggered snowflake alert

| >>973391 c:

| >>973539 :]

Total number of posts: 19, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1694445971

This thread is permanently archived