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vanilla gang

| so there is the thing that vanilla is sort of the opposite of ntr. And that everything can get ntr'ed.
So here the question, how would "vanilla'ed" work like?

| Just like the flavor it's named after, vanilla is the assumed default. Saying something "got vanilla'd" is like saying nothing was added.

It could be argued that continuations of NTR stories "get vanilla'd" when they turn wholesome, but that's not common so I'm not sure we need lingo for it.

| I like when corrupted/broken/bertayed gurls got fixed, slowly she'll start trusting again, act and dress normally. I guess that counts at vanilla-ed

| >>966578 irl truly sucks balls, if we weren't living a this hell there would be at least some business for picking up lost people while not being view as "look at that small group of people who're helping" but as something evenly matched with everything else in size and also not as a niche part time stuff.

| Behold: The Vanilla-fication Doujin. Honestly super cute and heartwarming, I recommend giving it a read.

| vainilla?, no thanks, i prefer reverse NTR

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1691089965

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