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I love children

| Uohhhhhh

| ToT

| soft tummy cunny child erotic bratty needs rape correction ???????????????????????????????? I want to lick ????????????

| 3) Discussion and dissemination of
lolicon, shotacon, or any form of
CP is a bannable offense.

| Ban what? We have a scizo who shitposter who spergs out every other day, that guy is still around.

| >>965434 Every other day I ban her. And every other day, she comes back with a new IP. It's not for lack of trying g/u/rl. :3

Anyways, locking this thread and the other thread. I get that the post is probably ironic, but this unironically used to be a problem, and it's not going to become a problem again.

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1690393448

This thread is permanently archived