Post number #956898, ID: c7cd31
But they're sort of fast or get helped by some unrelated strangers, why do they always help them and not me at catching others? Some tips?
Post number #956906, ID: 0e31e5
Lay out a massive doormat sized gluetrap, chase them in the direction of it and you have a guaranteed catch. GL g/u/rl!!
Post number #956921, ID: cdd2e3
Did you tried hypnosis?
Post number #956936, ID: 1519ee
Post your face. We need to see if you fit in to be catagorized as ugly bastard. If you don't then, that explains a lot
Post number #956940, ID: dbf913
Going for randoms is harder, try raping people you already know
Post number #956945, ID: 4e724a
what is your SSN, OP?
Post number #956969, ID: c7cd31
>>956906 sounds rough, how do I prevent people from disarming it before and while I do the chase? I've meet many assholes trying to ruin my rape plans. They're like don't touch this, respect that. They're like cockroaches, everywhere and unlimited! >>956921 No, last time I've tried people told me I was walking down the street wearing a chicken suit and doing weird noises. >>956936 this common looking and harmless dude is literally me, trust me.
Post number #956970, ID: c7cd31
>>956940 yea but won't it be annoying to hear them when you meet them again? I've tried to rape a family member and they're still complaining. I mean, c'mon I've just raped you; it seems that you literally just can't do shit in this world.
Post number #956971, ID: c7cd31
>>956945 it's this:>>956898
Post number #957112, ID: 6aab1c
call the hotline at 911 and ask to meet someone behind the local mall
Total number of posts: 10,
last modified on:
Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1684789874
| But they're sort of fast or get helped by some unrelated strangers, why do they always help them and not me at catching others?
Some tips?