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Anybody else into guro?

| I feel like I never hear people talk about it anymore these days. I'm personally not so into the cutting/amputation stuff, but man, there's just nothing as intimate and vulnerable as somebody's internal organs all out on display, you know? One of my biggest fantasies is for a hot woman to cut open my tummy and reach in and play with my entrails, starting with just lightly caressing them and ending with her pulling them out all over the place.

| I think you should drink your medicine, anon

| Nah. Like I'm not a fan of the erotic stuff, but I don't have any issue with casual gore in art.

| I like both gore non-sexually and sexually. My fav is decapitation, disembowelment and hanging. If you're a femboy I'd be down to play with your entrails; however, I am not a hot woman

| Nah, I as far as I go would be ryona that doesn't leave permanent bruises/scratches.

| I really hope one day I can find a g/u/rl IRL that's also into guro. I don't want to have to hide it from everyone forever.

| I think in drawn art it's pretty epic but IRL it makes my skin crawl. I can see why you'd like it, however.

| everyone itt deserves the wall and to be left for the crows and jackals since thats what yall love so much

| Are you trying to make me cum? Cuase you're doing a pretty good job

| I used to be pretty into it but now it makes me anxious. plus now that I can ai generate lolis on my own computer, I am spending most of my masturbating time on that

| >>954469 I am interested in ai art (not necessary the loli) what kind of GPU do you have? How long doea it take to generate 1 image with your GPU?

| >>954509
I had a 980ti, now I have a 3080ti. with the 980ti, it took ~20s per image, depending on step count. with the 3080ti, I can do a batch of 16 in the same ~20s.

| >>954341
Aww, thank you~ <3

| I can't get the appeal of guro fans. Like, I really try to understand. The most close I can try to understand their like for guro is that I kind of enjoy/see the appeal of blood related erotic stuff, like vampires or himiko toga from MHA. Going further than that I just don't comprehend.

But vore and fat fans?! That's where my mind simply explodes. What reason can make appealing fat and vore stuff?

| Guro, Ugly bastard, True love

| Explanation for while I like guro for the other g/u/rl in this thread:
-Dead gurls can't say no
-Blood is erotic to me
-IDK mental illness or some shit

| To the g/u/rl telling me to die:
Yeah, it's a horrible fetish. I'm not proud of it and I wish I wasn't this way, but I don't know how not to be. I do try to be reasonable about it, though. I try not to look at it often, and if I do, only hentai. No IRL gore or simulated gore. I don't want to make the association in my brain that it *could* be real. I don't want to hurt people, I'm just fvcked in the head.

| >>954695 thanks you for your explanation
I'm not that g/u/rl but I think you have a pretty healthy attitude with your fetish, I can respect that, keep up the good work

| it just makes me hungry, ngl

| Oh yeah, forgot to add to reasons why list:
-there is something erotic about penetrating something that is not meant to be penetrated e.g. decapitated neck hole, abdominal wound, etc.

Total number of posts: 20, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1683164769

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