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why isn’t there more doujin where there’s a girl railing some random dude without consent???

| i’d seriously enjoy seeing ur typical doujin get flipped on it’s head but i can barely find anything that piques my interest..

| Because it's all relegated to shotocon garbage

| god, they need to stop overusing the shotocon trope. it was trash to begin with and is the reason they don’t produce more content like what i’m looking for. i seriously wonder what it is with people and little boys..

| I've always found it strange how consistently rapey doujin dialog is. I guess it's the standard cultural idea that all men want sex with their dick all the time.

| >>953202 the majority of doujins are written by women
because women make the doujins that sell
and the doujins that sell follow the idea that all men want is sex, and all the think about is sex
if men didn't agree, they wouldn't buy the doujins. lmao

| the reason shotacon is popular is the same reason isekai is popular. only instead of self-inserting as an overpowered fantasy hero with a harem, they self-insert a better first time than a lukewarm kiss behind the schoolyard fence, or a first time at all.

| I need codes of op idea tbh..

| >>953188 you can rail me if you know what I mean

| Have you really read enough doujins? I can't name any specifics because this trope is not my thing, but pretty sure if you look for doujins with succubuss, they'll be draining guys left and right.

| I hate shotas and the average men-to-women rapey doujin. I've been trying to avoid those tho they are everywhere...

| here are some books that somewhat fit your criteria.


besides those the "femdom" tag, as well as the "Bondage Fairies" series by Kondom could hide a gem or two for you

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1682667825

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