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estrogen is making me gay

| yesterday i was thinking about how i missed a couple years ago, being in high school and just hanging out with my best friend. i started thinking about all the stuff we did like take the streetcar downtown, grab random street food, steal and drink cheap booze, just hang out getting high or walking through the woods

and then i dunno i got this flash of him kind of embracing me from behind and it just made me feel all strange and warm and lightheaded

| and i just kinda let my mind wander to him kissing me and making fun of how scrawny ive gotten and i felt all melty inside

and then i realised that just wont ever happen since hes already married and very much not into me and i almost teared up

and i realised im not like in love with him so much as the idea of someone stronger than me exercising just enough strength to ply me to their will and make me shiver all over

| Conclusion: OP is peggable

| >takes a female hormone
>wonders why she wants to fuck men
are you fr rn g/u/rl

| >>944585 *pegs your mouth*

| >>944586
that is absolutely possible, lots of ppl would love to hold you tight from behind and feel you shiver~

| is this where i mention vrchat?

| I personally found that I had a period where I was super into to men, about 2 months, but I've since normalised to a fem preferring bisexual like the rest of humanity.

| >>944784 STOP.

| im giving this g/u/rl an aneurism and its hilarious lol

| is this where i mention vaporeon?

| >>944596
....lmao yeahhhh

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1677953132

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