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Is being a sex worker any good?


| I'm Pomu

| just dont get aids or some shit

| >>943142 tu es uno pomu de la familia de pomu tambien?

| Some people pay for sex, so why don't get paid for sex? stonks

| Soy Pomu de una famulia noble Pomulia

| not really, no. There's better ways to make money, and sex work can be dangerous, both physically (abuse, stds) and mentally (abuse, harrassment)
better to find a bf and have him support you in exchange for sex than have some random guys maybe hit you or give you am std

| >>943529 this explains why there are a lot of cam girl and twitch tity streamers.

They can basically avoid the STD risk while doing a fraction of the work and get more money if they are famous.

| Ја сам Пому, из племићке породице Помулија

| >>943588
pretty much, yeah

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1677540136

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