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Fucked my dad during holidays

| I was drunk. I got pregnant from it. Now I have to lie that I got it from some stranger. I kinda hate that I can't tell the truth, instead I have to pretend to be a whore.

| Why don't you just say you went too far with your daddy? Clever little truth

| Why are you not aborting it?

| Did you at least yell out "Yes, I want a little sister" when he came?

| was he drunk too?
If so, you can always tell him it was a biblical pregnancy.
you didn't tell him that you got drunk and some random unknown stranger got you pregnant, right? because then he'll get a dna test after you deliver, trying to be a good dad and take care of you by finding the scumbag who did it, only to find out it's his. It's way better for you to be honest beforehand.
also, is your mom still around?

| lol

| Hot

| kill baby no baby kill baby daddy baby no no no

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1676976312

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