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I want to fuck a shota so badly

| I hate irl kids. In 2D it just brings me the memories of when I was a little and loved to see the big mommies take care of these manhoods. Now I'm the mommy but I don't have anyone to pamper and breastfeed. :-(

| ToT

| Shota kinda based, ngl

| trade fetishes with the g/u/rl who had a breeding fetish

| I miss times when i was shota and wanted some ara ara xd

| Shotas we're made for sex

| >>940681 where are your friends??

| When i was around 12 i liked Naruto hentai... including mainly Temari and Tsunade

| so why don't you make some of your own?
Raising the perfect man is easier than finding him.
or you could snag one of his little friends, meet some other moms and set up play dates

| >>940762
>Raising the perfect man is easier than finding him

you have not parented a day in your life.

| >>940767
it's an idiom, you nonce.

| >>940767 be quiet, she did it with your dad

| I am the pedofinder general! And I find you guilty of pedophilia!

| >>940867 this is fiction sex

| I wish I could age regress back to a shota so fucking badly
I want my innocence back
I want to smile again

| Lady Yuyuko please stop posting here. This is illegal.

| >>941280 *eats your mouth*

| you deserve the guillotine tbh

| >>941407 no u

| >>3ca5ec is jealous (she gets no shota cock)

| >>941407 you were made for shota coco

| fucking degenerates lmfao

| My brother in christ what, nah that's crazy though???? Come one bro you can't just be like "yea i want to fuck a fictional child" and just brush it off, maneee

| >>941594 what you say will go in and out the other ear of these retarded trannies.

| Shota sex!

| >>941594 yea i want to fuck a fictional child

| it's like you're new to /d/ or something

| >>941594 yea i want to fuck a fictional child

| >>941594 yea i want to fuck a fictional child

| >>941594 yea i want to fuck a fictional elona

| >>941733 elona

| >>941594 yea I want to fuck A fictional elona

| >>941750 elona

Total number of posts: 33, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1676447626

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