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I just can't win

| >6’8 transgurl
I’ll never make it in this hellscape

| Please step on me.

| 6'8 I would date.

| >6'8"
yeah, I don't believe you.
but on the one-in-a-million chance you are telling the truth,
you could pass as an amazon, but you should get psychiatric help

| One my ex-friend from childhood is probably 6'8, he can't pass throught doors without bow down xd it was weird to see him after so long time, in childhood he was max. half-head taller than me, but now i have pov as kid when i see him wtf xd i'm 5'9

| you could be in the NBA rn. but it is what it is. anyways >>935553

| nah but seriously. it won't do any good to see your height as a bad thing. be proud of that shit. keep that shit pushing.

| I love sex

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1672272908

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