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Opinion on R34

| The website

| r34 about ur mom weight too much for internet

| try sex

| 11/10 It was only ok

| There's a few r34 sites

| Paheal gets a mid for being the og but they don't do tagging and it makes me sad

| Xxx gets a thumbs up from me

| There's probably good stuff on there but it's buried under furry and Xbox live arcade porn cg.

| Paheal is my go to but if I'm looking for more than just artist and franchise/character tags then yeah you gotta go to xxx or something like sankaku

Though paheal lets more loli/shota through despite throwing a temper tantrum every so often and nuking tags so I still like it more than xxx, but you gotta use both sites and more for all the goodies

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1670200729

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