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low sex drive

| just got a new partner, and things are going great.
but they said they have a low sex drive. now, I'm not expecting us to go at it like rabbits, but what should I be expecting? any advice?

| >what should I be expecting?

Say those words again, but loudly this time, in front of your partner while having eye contact with him. That is my advice.

| >>931185 try sex

| I love sex.

| Try to find his fetish, maybe he's just not into vanilla.

Or try cosplaying as her fav waifu/husbando and ERP with them.

| Drug his food

| communicate.

| Someone needs to be lectured. Fuck him in his warmy boipussy in the sleep.
Remember the safety!

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1669561513

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