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My Room Is Full of BOY SMELL

| A boy slept over in my room and now my room is full of boy smell! I didn't even like this guy before, but now I can't get his boy smell out of my head. Boys have no right to smell so good. It's in my pillow and his sweater (which I stole). Why do boys smell so good??? It's not fair!!!!!

| This but girl smell

| i really need to smell a boy right now. to pull him close and breath in nice and deep!

| Please tell me that he's a shota

| Okay lemme go check

| >>902837 he is not, but he's got some sort of golden retriever type cuteness to him.

| Why, I get it from guys too and my sister keeps stealing my clothes it sucks

| >>903033 Fuck her mouth.

| >>903033 Fuck her mouth.

| >>903033 Fuck her mouth.

| >>903033 ikr? I'd steal your clothes for their boysmell too. :3

| I bet you all smell so good

| You are just horny g/u/rl

| >>903129 >implying there are boys here

(if there are boys here please mail me your shirt immediately)

| E-Smell

| >>902837 when i was like 10 i wished being shota... i'm 23... and i still wish being shota xdd

| >>903198 asian have the potential to be shota at 20's

| >>903199 don't fall for the meme. They're just a smaller form factor of adult with a lot of rage and a large curse library. Nothing like a kawaii shota desu.

| >>903199 sadly european xd
my shota dream will never success i guess :c

| >>903033 Offer her to smell the source directly... while fucking her

| do shotas even have boysmell?

| boysmell comes from puberty, so no, shotas do not have boysmell.

| Change the gender of this thread and suddenly, this thread will be raided by FBI

| >>903198 same lol

| >>5fb303
legal lesbian lolis are a different thread

Total number of posts: 25, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1666362717

This thread is permanently archived