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Welcome to another video from Explaining asses DOT COM

| This time we are going to make a review on your sister's ass to see if we can nakadashi or if she is breedable in other way.

| Won't she get mad if we do that? I mean. I'm not opposed, but...

| >>870738 That slut had it coming to her for too long!

| >>870739 Maybe you have a point. Bitch always steals my sourpatch kids. My laptop too.

| Fat ass

| Damn female sibling! Seducing family members by walking in her underwear! Need sister correction!????????????

| My sister got herself a bf last month, she didn't even tell me about it! Why my lovely sister have to be tainted by a stinky male????? Uooohhh I can't take it anymoreeeee don't take my sister away, why it have to be a dude can't she just be gay like the rest of us? I'll gladly be more than a sister for her uuooooohhhhhh

| >>870901 she needs a spankin'

| >>870901 mat press her and steal her from her BF. That or go read a bunch of NTR doujin and thank me later.

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1655014733

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