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Nerd communities devastated by HRT

| Just like black communities in the 80's devastated by crack. Both done by the CIA.

| based

| It's not devastating though, cause now the nerds can actually get some bitches.

| The bitch pipeline takes a bit doesn't it? Isn't it 2 years of cringe first.

| Jesse, what the heck are you talkong about?

| Finally you admit to being a tranny. Embrace yourself op

| It's a shame, really. Poor bastards...

| Devastated by NTR

| >>860131
You can both become a bitch and get a bitch. You should know this g/u/rl.

| >>860176 Can confirm, I'm a bitch and I have a bitch. It's great!

| >just like crack
this is great news to me because i enjoy both drugs and the destruction of traditional gender roles

| >>860562

| >>860567 wait lmao is that an intentional pun? since the term based derives from basehead (as in freebase cocaine aka crack)

| you're making the CIA sound way more based than it actually is

| >>860601 lmao

| I'd rather serve crack then this country

| >>860576

| >>860713

| >>860714
Vi sitter här i Venten och spelar lite Dota
Och pushar på och smeker, med motståndet vi leker
Vi sitter här i Venten och spelar lite Dota
Och springer runt och creepar, och motståndet vi sleepar

| >>860718 I love that song

| >>860718 nämen oj så baserat

| >>861067
Jag är väldigt baserat

| >>860718
Det är det enda ni gör på dagarna. Ni sätter där i Ventrilo och spelar Dota.

| Ay speaking off, I started HRT today

| >>861277 congratulations!

| >>861282

| >>861277 call suicide hotline when

| >>bb60b4

Total number of posts: 28, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1653176511

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