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Need advice from incelbros

| How do I deal better with loneliness once I accepted it but still get depressed about it?

I'm fully aware I'm not attractive to women (for a number of reasons) or friends, but I still feel like trash everytime I bump into someone I'm somewhat attracted to (sexually, emotionally or fraternally) for knowing we'll never have anything together.

Is there a complete form of cure for this? If so, is it worth it or I'll just become an empty husk devoid of emotions?

I'm so tired, bros...

| Go to an incel site and ask about it or something iono

| We're girls.

| Don't idolize love so much. Physical contact is important for humans along with some social connection. Though one does not need it from women alone. Hang out with the bros and have a good time together. Also dealing with a break up and having my roommates essentially being domestically violent. I don't see the point in any of that. Seems really annoying. Just learn to enjoy oneself and the company of yourself. For if one can learn to enjoy ones company you will never be alone.

| Funny bait thread, we g/u/rls know that the boys are the ones gatekeeping sex.

>Tfw no meaningful bf you can mock and bully

Why even live?

| >>68cc5a
I agree, but it's not something I do on purpose, but an overwhelming feeling of being always left out that takes some hold of me...

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1638534992

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