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lol my cuck cousin is so blueballed

| whenever we hang out he's so obviously staring at my body so i like to play with him and pretend I'm horny because i know he's too much of a fucking loser to make a move. I told him i would deepthroat him once and i swear he came in his khaki long shorts sksksksk

anyways whenever he gets the nerve to try anything I'm gonna act all disgusted, bet he cries

| lmao

| lmao

| bold of you to assume i would use shorts in the first place

| Lmfao

| lmao

| >>732112 he doesn't cry, he is writing in danger/d/ too, and have really good time ^^

| Kids these days, always updating their whole life to social medias. But yea, blame google for privacy breach.

| >>732273 but this is a textboard, not a social networks at all

| >>732330 there was a very long discussion about danger/u/ being a social media or not. I advise you check it out.

| lmao cuck cousin coomer

| lmao

| Give me his discord or whatever and I'll talk to him

| Danger/u/ Cinematic Universe

| It's on the internet, so it's a social media. Otherwise it would be an orgy

| >>733320 hot new debate topic: social media vs orgies? which is better?

| Orgies, you can gag someone and shut them up. Very difficult to do so nicely and permanently online unfortunately

| >>733365
plus social media is more just a bunch of people jerking themselves off

| Yes, as opposed to fucking each other and jerking themselves in a very sexy way

Total number of posts: 19, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1611510528

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