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is it even possible to NOT be sexually frustrated

| > that was a good sex. I won't need sex again in 10 years
- no one ever

| Simple, just castrate yourself

| bruh im sexually frustrated and im still a virgin.

| >>730036
> that was a good sex. I won't need sex again in 10 years
- everyone who was at least 10 years long loyal in a marriage

| This is where old reliable comes into the place, no one knows you better than you

| Staying a virgin is the best way to not get sexually frustrated. Give it some thought.

| >>730148 actually as a long virgin no, not having sex is frustrating

| *cough, cough* be me and be thirsty over 2D waifus/husbandos and never want sex irl again.

| I literally have almost 0 sexual urges towards women i meet in real life because i just masturbate so frequently so yes i would say it is possible

| I don't think anyone who isn't ace literally never feels horny, so for this question to be useful I think you'd have to set a time frame. I'm not a very horny person but I do have moments of sexual frustration.

| >>730149 I am pretty sure it is less frustrating than most other options

| >>730747 no it isnt, you will feel lonely and unwanted from time to time and it can be painful even if you are ok with being a virgin

| >>730148
I used to be way more horny when I was a virgin than now that I've been over a year and a half since the last time I had sex, so I disagree.

| seeeee virgins can still be sexually frustratred

| yes. Or you get enough pussy to satisfy you, or you get better things to do with your life and realise not everything has to be about sex

| i think you can get less sexually frustrated if you have someone to vent to who understands your needs like /d/ or someone online

might make you long for them still

| >>731435 lets be real real, the best way to not be sexually frustrated is to have sexual parnter that has a mutual understanding of sexual needs and desires

| >>d7f7fc yeah, absolutely. that's what a lot of people are missing rn, and tbh that'd be more satisfying than even the wildest flights of fantasy...not to mention, if they're open to it, they can help you with that anyway. so, keep searching, folks.

| Girl who never masturbated ever. No urge to. Still interested in sex because of intimacy and a virgin. Other than that 0 urge to do anything. I don't need to do it. For me it's the opposite. What is sexual frustration? I mean what are you frustrated about? Is it about the urge to duck or is it about the society expectations and shit? I don't get it. Please explain :(

| >>731585 sexual frustration has nothing to do with society, its more of a personal urge, its in the name, it is a frustration not a social pressure, hope this helps you to understand

| >>1b9f45 ok so the thing is that dude's have it hammered in their head that they are bound to fuck people, and that they don't need to even put in effort in it. then when they realise that it's not how it works, they become super frustrated. But like you need to be appealing in one way or another to get there. Being super perverted works too btw, though only in certain contests. Its also absolutely a social phenomena like any other

| >>731619 wtf thats not how sexual frustration works, there is a fine line between social pressure and an unfulfiled disire.

Its not just a DUDE thing woman have it too, heck a lot woman in marriges complain about sexual frustration.

It doesnt come from a societal pressure to have sex, its about the lack of fulfilment in sexual activity, and it can happen from many things

| Things like, a bad partner, a strong fetish that is enrusted, not having enough sex, having too much sex, unexplored fantasies, a partner that doesnt care, maybe a partners that is too unattractive, not of the gender you like, etc

Sexual frustration can come in many ways, its not about social pressure its a personal thing.

And of course if you have no sexual disire than you really dont have sexual frustrations

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