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how do sex happen

| im virgin pls help

| You put pee pee in poo poo

| You have to be a hardworking man with a job and enough money to hire an escort and an outfit for them to fulfil your desires

| ^^^^^^^^

| >>717757 hey that's literally me.

| >>717757 finding somebody who you love and that loves ypu back can also work but its harder and honestly not that viable in 2020

| >>717713 find a bitch, we live in capitalism babe~

| https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDkfycHA1W4

| >>717713
Try bumstick.

| It doesn't

| Get drunk and hope someone fancies you that night....though I wouldn't recommend this method since results vary



| Sox

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1606512791

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