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120 yen caramel /d/ edition

| Anyone want a 120 yen caramel?

| Thank you for everyone support on the last 120 yen caramel, Now i can sell 120 yen caramel on /d/ too.

| 240 yen for one caramel, deal or no deal?

| >>684003 how about 2 120 yen for 1 caramel instead?

| How much for cum flavored caramel?

| I'll take one please!

| >>684032 120 yen!
>>684038 thank you! <3

| what is 120 yen caramel

| >>684117 a caramel that would cost you 120 yen.

| >>684178
What's it made of?

| >>684215 milk,cream,sugar,vanilla and full of love <3

| I'll take ten !!

| >>684258 thank you<3 that would be 120 yen please.

| what is a yen

| >>684866 something you need 120 for 1 caramel

| >>684903 cool how do I get one

| >>684926 sell caramel

| hahahha where is the punch line? what is this you are selling cafamel?

| >>685360 there is no punch line, only thing i have is 120 yen caramel.

| Can I try one for free ?

| >>685465 yes! certainly.

Total number of posts: 21, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1596530775

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