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Would you fuck an alien?

| I've been thinking about it, what if aliens lived with human? Or even any type of fantasy creature, I'm talking about sentient ones like us, would you have sex with them? If yes why, if no also why

| I would, it would be interesting and it doesn't matter that we couldn't reproduce, it would still feel good

| Imagine the new stds, bit hey kids are last thing to worry

| Yes

| One time when I was high as fuck I swear a sentient alien being was having sex with my mind for a few seconds. Was dope would do again.

| Yes,if they were hot,they thought I was hot or found pleasure in the act and it would not hurt me or the alien if we had sex.

| >>671127
You could even catch superpowers.

Considering I've encouraged someone to pursue an alien before, to their downfall, why would I stop now?


| >>671223 elaborate on that please

| i'd be fugged by an alien if they were hot

| Probably, if it wouldn't hurt it or me.

| Is the alien hot? If yes,ok. If not,no. Same applies to any species tbh

| if it looked like a human and was attractive i probably would

| If it is orange I would

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1592670662

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