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Keep on being a virgin.

| You simp.

| Yo, rude

| But im not

| But you are

| wtf is a simp

| >>633718
White knights, basically, but like, the white knights who kind of talk shit about white knights even though they're just as bad if not worse. The cunts you see donating hundreds of dollars to females on Twitch and who would gladly help do the laundry for the boyfriend of someone they like.

| I will

| And I will enjoy it

| >:(

| Are ya winning her over son? Even when she's got a SO who's railing her?

| *laugh in muslim country

| Don't worry, I will.

| >>bb3a82 a cuck

| >>633912
Almost, but there are slight differences. They believe that they're not a cuck. They seem to think they actually have a chance to get together with their favourite streamer if they just keep donating and pretending to be better than the other ones who do the same shit.

| >>633923 Similar to giving your money to a stripper and thinking she loves you.

| >>633966
Yes, exactly, but sader, because you get literally nothing, there is absolutely no sexually satisfying stuff you will get out of it. Just a "Wow. Thank you so much." if you donate $100+ and she sees the dono, which is the most cuck thing ever, without wanting or realising it's cuckage. Just pure simp.

Total number of posts: 16, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1583967023

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