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Shantae Buttjob.

| >say "Shantae Buttjob."
>post shantae buttjob
>someone says "why shantae buttjob
>"shes 16"
>say "what if the artist said that all the characters are portrayed as 18 tho"
>"then you're a pedo"
>everyone throws out pedo jokes at me
>say "so jin gets a pass to jerking off to a child-looking 5000 years old dragon but i am a pedo for wanting shantae buttjob???"

love or hate it but shantae buttjob is hot and i'm now seen as a pedo because of it

| Kiddie groomer

| Literal cradle robber

| 16 is legal where I'm at. Sadly I'm attracted to way younger than that. I get the feeling they're just fucking with you though. Shantae is just hot. There's no denying it.

| Shantae buttjob is hot, their words shall not change nor damage such precious art.

| When you boot a Shantae game, does she introduce herself as a 16 year old middle schooler? No, she's a fucking half-genie and she guards an entire fucking city from criminals. That's an adult job for adults.

| >>613483
I think her age is stated in Half-Genie Hero, actually. Not immediately of course, but I'm pretty sure it is.

| how many people here are unironicalle pedos not counting me (maybe?)

| >>613493
Honestly, I think it's not a lot. There's me, and I've noticed two others, maybe three. Every time the topic comes up I can often tell by their writing, their handling of the situation and the things they say that I've seen them before in other threads. When it comes to lurkers, I have no idea, but when it comes to being it unironically and having said it openly here, there's not that many. We're just active.

| Shantae is 16?
Good thing the places Sequinland are based on have age of consent laws set at 12.

>>613493 >>613507
We'll be able to fix you one day.

| >>613587
Or, just, like, accept us and help, instead of everyone talking about either "cures" and "fixing" or genocide. Acceptance and proper therapy for people suffering from it would be more than enough.

| im one of the pedes but i come here and start shit when i get mentally unstable so that may result in higher percieved pede count than what is actual.

also shantae aint pede but her games are fun. CERTIFIED NOT PEDE - you may now touch yourself with no shame

| >>613625 Sorry about derailing the thread, but wouldn't that be great though? To be free of something you know is unhealthy and become normal. Although I guess the most important thing is privacy, since I'm willing to bet that there're still those who're going to hold your past against you even if your person has changed from deep within.

| >>614001
I don't think you understand this shit correctly. If it was that easy, couldn't we just make gay people straight and remove kinks from people that are not what we want them to have? You call it unhealthy, but I don't see how that's the case. I'm lucky enough that I don't feel exclusively attracted to minors, I can feel attracted to females my own age. The only reason why it fucks me up mentally and makes my life harder than it needs to be is because of how hated we are.

| Minor attraction is not something that can just be "cured". I'm still young, which means that I have a chance of loosing that attraction before I'm 18-20years old, but even if that happens it won't change shit. I'll still feel hated every time pedo is said as an insult. I'll still feel hated every time people talk about how they want all pedos dead or how wrong, fucked up and disgusting they find people who are MA. Only thing that would help is if people stop viewing us as monsters.

| >>011ae7 I've given that thoughts. Certainly, people would be all for it, and would champion for it to be mandatory for all sexual abusers, but controversy would stir up immediately when the 'cure' is performed on, say, a gay man who recently turned Christian. Either way, I'm past that age, so any hope of naturally getting over it is dissipating, which is why I've given thoughts to such things, even if I know the complications of such an unlikely thing.

| >>614008 not like it's unreasonable, acting on such desires is, after all, am immoral action that is thankfully frowned upon in society. You can't say it's unreasonable to find a desire to commit an immoral act to be disqusting or fucked up.

| And even if you still feel hurt by guilt years afterwards, wouldn't you at the very least feel relieved that now there is absolutely no chance that you are to harm a minor anymore? That you are now no longer a degenerate member of society?

| >>614013 >>614014
You act like I want to harm someone. I don't. I really, genuinely don't. That's another thing I hate. People assume that I want to rape kids. I have no desire to hurt anyone. Sure, I have fantasies about being in a relationship with a minor and seeing one that looks attractive turns me on a lot, but I know fucking them would fuck them up mentally, and why would I want to do something like that to someone I feel love for?

| >>614013
I both can and do find it unreasonable, because people don't understand the slightest thing about it and assume we just want to rape kids. That we have no feelings. No morals. No thoughts. No ideals. That we're just mindless, fucked up disgusting things that do nothing but try to fuck your kids. The vast majority of us never try to fuck anyone, and the ones who do have pretty bad mental issues. A normal person with feelings for minors does not do that.

| >>614018 of course people are gonna assume you wanna frick a kid, that's what it means to be a pedophile, sexual attraction to a minor. Can't exactly fault them for finding that despicable even if you don't act on it? You have morals just like everyone else, but that doesn't mean you aren't immune to desire. Sinning and acting immoraly is not something a normal person can avoid entirely under every circumstance. People know humans are imperfect and will be wary of these faults

| >>614018 it doesn't make it okay to persecute pedophiles like animals on a hunt, but it isn't unjustified to find such desires to be disturbing.

| >>614030
Most people can very well avoid raping others, and we're no different.

Sure, you can find it disturbing, I'm not bothered by that, you can't help it. I just fucking hate it when people shove it down my throat how fucked up it is and how immoral it is that I wish I could fuck kids. I know that it's not okay. That's why I don't do it. It just pisses me off that people view us as lowly fucking scum just because their feelings are more common and "correct".

| >>614047 well, any kind of sexual contact with a child is statutory rape so not exactly the same. Also, when you're talking about people saying all that shit about pedos, you mean more of an in person thing or over the internet? That's also very different things

| >>614054
Yeah. Exactly. I don't rape kids. I know what rape is, and I don't do it, not do I want to do it or think it is or should be okay to do.

Well, of course I'm talking internet. If it was in person I would probably have killed myself by now. That's not a joke.

| >>614065 well shit negro, why do you care at all then? People tell other people to fucking kill themselves all the time. I can call you a pathetic limp-dicked kiddie groomer over the internet but I ain't gonna do that shit irl, I'd pussy the fuck out. No one actually means it over the internet because they can't back that shit up. You're about on the same level of hate as people with fnaf or mlp avatars on social media so don't take that shit seriously like you're on a public trial

| >>614084
Bro, that direct kind of shit is only on the internet. I hear people saying that shit more than I'd like to, just not directly to me, are at least not someone who knows that I'm MA. I've had conversations where the other person has said that shit without them knowing that I feel that way. I of course never told them. I also hear people mocking others and calling them pedo for liking kids that are, like, 13-14, so I know I'm dead if that shit comes out.

| >>614088
*or at least

| >>614088 if you feel offended for a group while you're chilling in the side lanes then that's a you problem. Said it yourself, IF it comes out, unless you're actually keeping kids in your basement or your psychiatrist is a piece of shit, hiding your tendencies shouldn't affect your relationships with other people. As for if it gets discovered, I don't feel like you'd get crucified, shit, if they hadn't noticed you're a pedo for all that time then logically they know you enough...

| >>614088 ...not to assume. Generalizations about a group come in at first contact, they shouldn't affect a relationship after a prolonged time

| >>614092
you seem to hold a higher opinion for people than they deserve. parents disown their kids over far less. friends stop being friends for far less. but when it comes to pedo, they dont just stop at disowning you. they will go out of their way to do harm.

| >>614104
Yeah, for real. You seem to think people are actually nice. I wish I could be that naïve, but I know the world sadly isn't a place that's so nice. People who are something as socially accepted as gay get fucking shit on and people distance themselves. Even someone being something as common as fat gets fucking tore up for it, bullied, have fucked remarks thrown at them. Even just your looks can get you shredded in this society. Being openly pedo is basically same as death

| There are people who dislike me and talk shit behind my back purely based on the fact I'm different and the people I hang out with, or that I act differently than more "normal" people. Society is fucking predatory. People hate you for reasons that aren't even reasons. Everyone judges people constantly based on actually nothing, so try to imagine how people act against you you're something that's so far from accepted and commonly hated like being attracted to kids. Shit's fucked.

| *when you're

| >>614104 >>614108 >>614109 Christ, people aren't animals. No one is getting hurt unless you have some radical shitflingers in your company, and at that point you should've known better. Again, if you're gay and people you know give you shit for it then you're keeping bad company, the public as of general gives no fucks. Being fat is different in that regard because unlike a sexual preference, being fat is most of the time self-inflicted and giving someone shit for being a lazy...

| >>614147
Ok. For one, I don't work at any company. Secondly, I'm not gay, it was an example. Thirdly, yes. Humans are fucking animals. I'm glad to hear you live either extremely sheltered or in an actually good place. You seem to think the shit I said was made up. It really wasn't. I don't keep those people around me either. The people who talk shit are not people I talk to or associate with. Do you really think there exists no people except for those you choose to know?

| ... fatass is fine, it motivates them to get off their bottom and do something about their condition. I wonder how "different" you gotta be for people to give a fuck, because as far as I've seen, unless you're eating charcoal or some other dumb shit, on one will give a single fuck. General public is not the same as your circle of people, weed out what you don't like and then live your life in peace

| >>614148 I simply don't understand how would some rando whateverthefuck get to know that you're a pedo and then proceed to give a single shit about who you are. Just why? What would anyone have to gain from it? It seems like a retarded course of action, so you'll forgive me if I cant swallow that easily, right?

| >>614151
your naivety is awe inspiring and one can only dream of a day where more people would feel like "why would i or anyone else give a fuck if youre a pedo" about this. because thats like, the ideal response. but thats not how human beings work.

idk how you can be so naive and im very frustrated that you cant begin to comprehend why interpersonal relationships can be so hard for us. i think youd be "good company", but realize your feelings are a far stretch from the norm.

| >>614151
Well, yeah, I do forgive you. You obviously love a much better life than me in a much better place than me. You're a lucky person, and I like your mindset. You just have to understand that most people don't think like you, at all. It's not my inner circle that's the problem. It's the unavoidable people outside of it. If the only people that had any effect on my life were the people I choose to have an effect I'd be the happiest person.

| why the hell every thread i make in /d/ devolves into this?
mods, please lock this thread cause y'all can't behave

| So uh... Shantae buttjobs are pretty nice?

| >>614208
I'm sorry bro. I'll be better.

| Mate, just let me enjoy lolis and don't take down sites where I can enjoy loli artworks and talk about lolis. Miss me with that "just be thankful you don't get murdered" bullshit.

| Furrack dude. I hate pedos. Not because they think children are sexy. Just because they keep derailing our furracking threads. Pedos and pedo haters, please let a discussion be carried out normally. Each time you two make a comment about this, the entire thread is furracking lost. Furrack dude.

| >>614275
I only scavenge on a dead horse pls don't hurt me.

Like, this thread is already dead my dude. even the OP wants this locked up im just doing my "inb4"

| >>614278 the thread was lost long before you came around. But the initial derailment is really getting to be an annoyance.

| At least it isn't as bad as last summer's trans war. That derailed the whole board for months.

| >>614283 true af. That one got really bad. Lets hope this one doesn't reach anywhere near those levels.

| Unlikely, because pedos, at least the ones here, aren't exactly pushing for 'pedo rights' the same way trans people did (except for that one naive kid). Only started the derailment into pedo discussion because OP mentioned 'pedo' and people afterwards began talking about age of consent. It was the natural flow of the conversation, and not forced.

| >>614304 "Sorry about derailing the thread" to quote... you.

| Who's Shantae?

| Yeah, I'm sorry. I shouldn't derail threads and shit. It's hard to help myself when the thread has pedo as a topic though. Like, I can't just sit idle when the topic comes up, even though I probably should. I never intended to derail the thread, but I didn't really stop after I did, so I apologize for that.

| it did play out like a natural progression, unlike other threads i personally accidentally derailed in the past. convo went from "i was accused of being a pedo for this!" to "im a pedo and thats not even pedo" to "lets talk about pedo shit for the next week or so" which may not be what some people wanted out of the thread but here we are.

the original GBC game is the best one tbh. finding a physical copy might be hard from what i hear though.

| i have an idea lets talk about how the GBC shantae was way ahead of its time. and how monkey is the funnest form to be in.

| >>614363
I sadly haven't played the GBC version. I'd love to try it though. The Shantae games are great.

Total number of posts: 56, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1577921582

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