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How to understand that you are asexual?

| I have a natural urge, but they are not aimed at anybody from real life. I mean, looking at people I don’t want to represent them naked or something like that. It's disgusting, after such a difficult to communicate with people ..

| You most likely have been watching too much hentai.

| It's when you have a lot of free time so you start coming up with stupid ideas.

| >>d010b3 does that mean they're an /a/sexual?

| Asexuality is pretty hard to understand. I recommend doing some research on the topic. I'm way too uneducated to say anything about it.

| I'm asexual and even I don't know how to explain it. What even is this natural urge you're talking about, op? Do people have that?

| >>612236
I would assume it's the urge for sexual pleasure and satisfaction.

| Some people are ace and watch porn but don't want to have sex with others, but make sure you research and figure out who you are for yourself

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1576778702

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