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Things that confuse me

| [New comer]I am 26 years old, but I have never had a girlfriend. I am very shy, I don't have much money and not handsome. So guys, I need to make some changes?!•̀.̫•́✧
Any suggestions? Grasias!

| Confidences without being a dick, clean yourself up as best you can, be polite and read social queues

I've also never been on a date so take that with some salt

| Brush your teeth twice a day for 2 minutes straight

| >>571549 that will get your teeth white,just make sure to use a soft bristle brush so you don't wear down the enamel.

Also generally improve yourself and your going to have to start talking to girls if you want a girlfriend.

| My relationship started out of a friendship, but it was always flirtatious. Be friendly but over time make it known that you find them attractive not like straight up "your hot" more along the lines of "_____ that outfit looks really good on you!" Or "I like your hair like that." Or "you have really cool looking eyes" complements about physical traits that aren't directly "I want to date you"

| >>571568 *continued* let them know you find them attractive but aren't being too forward, some girls like a more direct approach, but that only works when it comes from certain personality types. Show an interest in their hobbies, spend time together alone, it will eventually bloom if she has mutual feelings, and don't linger, if she doesn't feel the same keep a friend if you want and move on to another love interest.

| How big is your dick?
(length + diameter; each once without and with erection)

| >>571558
i have only used hard bristles for over two years now, and i have brushed several times a day quite aggressively. how do i know if this hurt my enamel and if it is worn down???

| >>571569 Okay,I think your suggestions would be useful... Grasias

| >>571572 (¯―¯٥)Not finished that step yet now,I am confident about it.

| Are you saying that you're a g/u/y?? Dick pic for the proof pls

| >>571576 Glad I could be of help!

| >>571574 talk to a dentist

| clean up, go to a bar, talk to people

don't be a neet


| >>571574 as long as you don't feel any tooth pain. Your enamel is going to be relatively fine. The fact that you brush you teeth is 100% better than having never brushed. Though use the soft bristle for future use. Just need to get the food stuffs off your teeth.

| have sex

| Why is everyone talking about dental care get back to the topic! I wish I could help you op but I am the same as you.

| >>572309 I can't find a girlfriend with Google, at least I can clean my teeth twice a day? (=_=;) THE POWER OF THE MIND will lead the way forward...
Good luck!Buona fortuna!帶來好運!

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1561007037

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