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Fap or nofap?

| Vote your opinion. Genuinely curious. (Absence of sex life as a setting)

| What would Jesus do?

| Fight zombies.

| So, appealing to pages 78-83 (among others) of s.e.x. by Heather Corrina, I'm gonna say go for it. It's not bad fpr you. It helps you get to know yourself and what you like. And, even with a sex life, it's still not a bad idea to take some time out for yourself. As long as you're not doing it so much that you're actually starting to injure yourself (think blisters, etc.) or it's interferring with pther parts of your life, it's fine.

| Get those bullet vibrators then strap it on your dick every morning, endure it and when your done with your day laid down and try to cum on your face, since I hear cum it's good for the skin

| Only seems to be killing my libido. But it feels the worst when not doing it makes my dick randomly erupt in the middle of the night.

| WhY nOt BoTh???

| I love sex.

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1544913201

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