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| I just came out of a dry streak this morning (heh) after not being able to get hard for 4 days. In the end I had to use something else entirely, the old shit just wouldn't do it for me anymore. So I wondered, how often does this happen to other g/u/rls?

| >>464282 I'm not sure what you're talking about "had to use something else entirely", but at least make a title...

| >>464282 never happen to me, sound like a nightmare tbh.

| If I get it right, it happens or not only 2 g/u/r/l/s, but also b/o/i/ii/s. It's fine to search for something new, unless it hurts someone.

| >>468825 I'm still confuse... what are we talking about again?

| >>3c7fd0
I dunno

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1542549268

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