I don't want a healthy relationship

| Just sex. Endless sex.

| I want to be in a relationship where sex is denied to me constantly. All yearning, no release.

| >>1049095
literally..ahh sexo ahh..

| i thought it was sexo..ah..sexo.. ?

either way i hope your dreams come true for you op

| >>1049096 quite edgemaxxer of you, I approve

| that's pretty healthy

| >>1049113
i forgor which..either way yes

| Sex feels really good! But I don’t like it with people who make me feel bad.

| I develop feelings for the people I have sex with but I lose interest in sex once I've been in a relationship for a bit.

| >>1049229 how do you feel about that?

| Do you lose the feelings after that?

| I wanna be in abusive relationships, where's my girlfriend beating me, fucking me and abusing me, but loves also loves and hate me at the same time

| >>1049270 or when have that ignoring dead eyes staring at you pathetically or how tell it and can humilating you and headpat you at same time ;-;

| >>1049507 ДААААА THIS IT IS

| hOw do you feel before being raped?

| >>1049507
FUUUGGGGG this is the one

Total number of posts: 16, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1742821428

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