I wanna drown on her tits

| There is this friend of mine who has gigantic bazongas, I love them, I wanna squeeze them, I want to suck on them and I want to hug her, cuddle her and tell her that everything will be alright.

| I just don’t think this will make her feel better g/u/rl I think she felt objectified and upset and insecure maybe. I dunno

But you’re a super thoughtful g/u/rl for trying to make her feel good! You can play with mine!!!

| post a pic..ah sexo ah

| >>1048973 I know that, but I needed to get that feeling out of my chest, she is much more than breats, she is an amazing person and I like her a lot, it's just that Im quite shy and inexperienced with that kind of stuff.

| pic

| >>7490c9
no shit youre i experienced. who would ever get close to you when you act like this all the damn time

| >>1048976 >>1048987 no>:(

| >>1048997 all the time!? I haven't crushed out on someone like this in 2 years.

| >>1049015
Uncreep yourself

| >Has a behaviour that 94.3% of all women find off-putting or even creepy
>"Im quite shy and inexperienced with that kind of stuff."


| U g/u/rls are putting way too much malice on someone that's just horny

| >"I beseech thee, cease gazing upon me in such a distasteful manner, thou lecherous wretch! Thy staring doth sicken me to my very being! I am not some mere plaything, nor a trinket for thy twisted desires. I see the decay and grime that thou harborest within and without. Thy habits and hobbies, I know, be nothing but a reflection of thy perverse nature. Take heed and keep a safe distance, for I will not suffer thy filth to approach me."

| ;)

| >>1049014
plz boss plz..

| >>1049031
The way he express his hornyness displeases me.

| >>1049044 I refuse, she is too cool for you g/u/rls.

| >>7c55d8 >>295a20 >>d0ae5e you three don't know anything about me, I'm just her to vent out my personal desires, that I in no way outwardly express in person.

I'm inexperienced not because I'm a creep, but because I just don't date a lot, I'm shy and I tend to hold back my emotions until I get to know the person.

| I also tend to have bad luck, check the (Date got kinda ruined) thread in /u/

| Wow I’ve only gone on a date once and she was a industrial engineer for ford and I thought that was kinda cool but I didn’t know what to say and she lifted weights which I felt intimidated by I can’t open your thread because I’m on my phone but that’s tough op. I feel sad when I feel excluded and a creep and you deserve to have happy sex experiences and feel good and love but I think when you say these things to others it makes them feel bad

| why not say ‘I’m really really horny and my friends body is so erotic’ if ur venting next time?

| It reminds me a little of the g/u/rl who felt uncomfortable about how she was told to go to the hallway when the other g/u/rl was finished pooping instead of standing there waiting. You can imagine how the pooping g/u/rl felt bad and we don’t want to be rude or hurtful but i felt bad for the poor embarrassed waiting g/u/rl

| >>1049071
This way you’re not making her feel scared and bad but you get to talk about yourself too. I think you’re pretty OP inside and you deserve to feel pretty and thoughtful and nice to other g/u/rls. Are you still feeling horny? Can we help you jerk off without saying anything which might hurt that other g/u/rl’s feelings? I was feeling upset about how I’m attracted to my friends and don’t want to hurt them and feel than them but someone called me attractive recently

| And I masturbated and really took time to play with my whole body, tickling my feet and rubbing my legs and pinching and scratching myself (without breaking skin) and i enjoyed my body and I felt good and idk I’ve been feeling attractive and really proud that I generally haven’t made my friends feel scared or creeped out even though they’re cute because I feel like a nice responsible g/u/rl rather than some gross thing which can only be happy with them suffering in my presence

| So don’t view yourself as a gross thing which needs to sinfully purge lust- you deserve to feel great! And every g/u/rl does too! So does everyone in the whole world! And I know deep down you feel bad about hurting her feelings or taking risks of it because you’re lovely! Cum for me OP! Cum for all of us! And when you cum remember I’m right there with you! All of us are!

| And we are saying- have sex and have fun! For EVERYONE! And say too happiness and support to that g/u/rl and you will masturbate to someone else because you care about her just that much you pretty g/u/rl you! You know what might hurt your friends so you’re gonna cum in a better way! You lovely thoughtful friend! You charming delight of our board!

| Please send me pics of your beautiful cum and really take time to love yourself cause you deserve it! I’ll send mine too if you want to see it! You are NOT gross! Getting tricked by the silly world is just frustrating but you’re above it! I love you and I love me too!!

| >>1049055
no offense homie, i just tend to have bad luck in threads like these.

| >>1049052
man she’s literally too cool for YOU too

| >>1049077
jebus fucking christ

| >>7490c9 >>5e192f
Only based g/u/rls in this thread (including myself)

| I still don't know how to in that people are under the assumption that this is something I would say or have said to her...

| >>1049145 Look, women tend to have many partners and get free experience about dealing with males, once they get going, it's easy to spot the odd mushrooms.
Remember to respect yourself before doing anything.

| >>1049151
>it's easy to spot the odd mushrooms.
How do we tell her, g/u/rls?

| >>1049137
Smooch!! Of course you are g/u/rl! But everyone is invited to cum and care too!!!

I love mushrooms! Have you ever made a soup with them? I feel scared when mushroom picking sometimes because of the risks.

| >>1049167
hey smooch me too! i want caring while i cum!

| >>1049180
Smooch! Cum extra good for me cutie! I’m going to cum for you too!

| smooch smooch! uwaah! i-im cumming really hard! *splurt spurt!*

| >>1049167
Will you give it a rest for once you obnoxious shitposter

| >>1049212
I think YOU were the real shitposter because I came but you didn’t. Join me!!! Intimate g/u/rl power can be yours!
But I hope you feel ok too- I’m having fun and talking about important things, I might talk silly but I believe in what I say and I’m bringing new insights, not repeating talking points.

| >>1049151 me being downbad on a niche forum that she has no way of knowing aside, we know each other for a long time, like any she should be caught up on any weirdness I might give off, at least I know it's nothing off putting in her eyes.

| I thought you were teasing the I don’t want large breasts g/u/rl like trying to flirt with her when she was feeling particularly upset. And that was part of why I felt upset. I’m glad you weren’t. Sigh I still think your friend would prefer you didn’t. It’s a little sad you have this desire you cannot fulfill.

Total number of posts: 41, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1742532582

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