What's Your Nichest Kink

| Not your weirdest/freakiest, necessarily, but one you rarely hear about.

| Mutual rape-friends who care about each other being FORCED to fuck

| i love humping my computer!

| stripping uno

| magnets

| just magnets

| stripping majan

| One time I had my partner tied up during foreplay and she got thirsty but couldn’t use her hands. Holding the water for her as she drank it did something to me I can’t explain.

| Teeth

| >>1048821 feeding captive fetish

| >>1048828 no idea how this even developed, but alas

| i love fucking my stuffed animals

| >>1048832
do i got a product for u..

| >>1048821
Ooohhhh that’s goooood

| >>1048821 interesting. I usually take a big sip and have her drink from my mouth

| Guro always seems very focused on violence and shock, but I have a thing for... tender guro, I guess, even though that doesn't make a lot of sense. Like, lovingly reaching in and caressing someone's entrails.

| >>1048806
fucking magnets, how does that work?

| >>1048880 Hawt

| >>1048883 our top scientists still have yet to figure it out.

| hyperpigmentation on ASS CRACK

| I think Im way too boring... It's breeding, the idea of sharing fluids while hugging each other tightly and filling each other's insides passionately is just so sexy, the culmination of it all leading into new life, it's just beautiful.

| >>1048986
This is not a kink, it came free with your genetics

| >>1049018 well, I did say Im boring plus, how many people actually like breeding?

| >>1048986
That’s so good i wanna breed with you cutie!! I do! I do!

| Not my weirdest but certainly a very unusual one/unheard of:
Cumming and releasing huge sperm (like big tadpoles sized) that fly (swim in the air) and get inside a near person's head through the holes in their ears and reaching the person's brain, wiggling through its vulnerable brain matter

| Cool!

| >>1049054
Me, for example

| >>1049054 I love breeding too

| Not sure if this is niche or not, but I think it's hot when doujin girls masturbate with bugs. Like, they put a little fucker in there during the day to hold them over and keep them horny, and when they get home just release a bunch of worms to do their thing. Can't really control them, will burrow in and lay eggs and do bug stuff. So cool.

| >>1049280 you have good taste

| Well it bugs me!!! *cums*

| I can only cum while licking a single plum, floating in perfume, served in a man’s hat.

| soul drain, usually from succubi

like what you like but it's really lame to me you have these mythical demons that want to coax people into sex to steal their souls and people just make them identical to "hot woman except wings and tail"

pay the eternal price for your lust, goddamnit

| bondage mixed with cuddles like.. or being rolled as sushi roll while i steal all the person attention ;-;

| or headpats ;-;

| >>1049302 headpats are a classic but it should appear more! I love them

| >>1048835 what is it gurl? im curious now :)

| Shortstacks make me feral

| still magnets

| cold surfaces. the first time i came, i was lying on the bathroom floor. doing it under a warm blanket feels nice too but it doesn't have the same sense of vulnerability

| Bulge on face. Like specifically someone's junk stuffed in someone's face with their shorts or underwear on is way hotter to me than if the underwear was off. Runner up is probably dick sniffing. Just a lot of dick and balls on someone's face oriented stuff now that i think about it lol

| >>1049828
and im all about doing those..start with me NOW


| Call me crazy but I want to be a girl's first choice the idea of that gets me going [and sad because it doesn't happen]

| Oooh that reminds me of like where all the men are dead and your one of the last ones left and all the nice ladies are supporting each other and you and you visit them to breed them and kiss them and tell them how proud you are of them waiting their turn and they feel so special and good and maybe their friends are there because it’s the one day she’ll get to have boy sex and you join them for a tea party as she’s happy blushing with your cum dripping from inside her passing you cake

Total number of posts: 45, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1743141457
