jav categories

| what are some yall watch or your favs?

| personally i prefer the plump gals, milfs, jk and some sort of femdom/bully gal

| u-15

| >>1048421
the hell that mean?

| >>1048497 smh my head rn fr fr no cap

| >>1048542
enlighten me frr rn

| >>1048576 nuh uh, tired of getting ban.

| l>>1048590
brooooo just telll

| I like the white ones because it's multiracial and they talk like like r words

| >>1048599 c'mon mang how could you not know It have 15 in da name yo

| >>1048692

| It’s u for underaged and 15 for underaged I think!

| I hope their happy and not feel ashamed or bad- I heard sex makes you stupid if you have it too early in life but I never had any and I got numb and dumb after a point

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1742282085

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