hate when ethot n OF bitches be cappin n lyin talking about bein shy
Post number #1048347, ID: 6611d2
like bitch ur butthole is on my timeline also being posers in general. thats all.
Post number #1048362, ID: 50ed62
I like math.
Post number #1048378, ID: d1e9e1
and i hate math.
Post number #1048393, ID: e970f4
That’s sad they made you feel sad. I think it’s really cool when slutty gurls are happy and make people feel happy too and people are appreciative and respectful, but a girl used to tease me in middle school and show me up her skirt and sit on the table in front of me and it made me feel bad and I think they should have thought of how you feel more and I hope you don’t feel shy or sad
Post number #1048401, ID: d1e9e1
>>1048393 they dont make me sad g/u/rl they make me mad. theyre not doin it to make their audience happy its fake and posing. id rather they be honest rather than posing trying to pretend to like stuff or be about it just cause its the trend
Post number #1048402, ID: e970f4
Do you think they’d feel sad if they didn’t do it? Maybe they’re scared to say how they really feel and are trying their best. I think they need to sit down with you and talk and you should kiss and say you love each other anyway! I want to kiss with you!
Post number #1048412, ID: d1e9e1
>>1048402 well..alright..
Post number #1048420, ID: 03fb4f
So do you think they do not deserve those money? or do you think if they're already in this line of work they shouldn't have any dignity left? I know it feel like upper middle class complain about working hard, which piss anyone off, but dick measuring contest of who work harder and face more hardship is kinda stupid.
I agree with you though. I prefer they don't muddy up the tweet and make it hard to jack off to.
Post number #1048501, ID: 1229c8
>>1048420 yeh i think they dont deserve it n there isnt dignity in lying to your consumers and trying to foster some sort of parasocial relationship in order to squeeze more money outta them by appealing to their interests shallowly. ik the gooners are losers n all but still some already have a kink for it and others will pay just for bikini fits. its not like theres a drought. theyll get tons of money regardless
Post number #1048502, ID: 1229c8
once again i just mainly hate the posers that act like they’re into those interests when its clear they aint and they’re just doing it cause its the trendy thing. like cosplaying the latest trendiest anime of the season but not actually watching it or anything.
Post number #1048591, ID: dc02a1
>>1048502 oh yeah, I get you my gurl. right on.
Post number #1048707, ID: a0bb07
honestly no shame to OF peeps i think it's weird that people treat it like it's a shameful thing but some of them really are fake as shit on top of it
Post number #1048754, ID: e970f4
Idk it seems scary someone lies for money. A g/u/rl was really nice to me and made me feel good about myself and I gave her money, I guess that’s only fans too but I didn’t feel scared and bullied like I do when I encounter it and I get to talk to her about how she’s feeling and see her be happy and that makes me feel good where just a sexy g/u/rl saying things and demanding money makes me feel scared
Post number #1048839, ID: bd8476
>>1048591 yeh yeh
>>1048754 that makes sense when u put it that way g/u/rl but still..
Total number of posts: 14,
last modified on:
Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1742272196
| like bitch ur butthole is on my timeline also being posers in general. thats all.