Post number #1047011, ID: 79fab1
Replayed it and it unlocked memories of when I was a kid. It has some really nice track, night theme and spa being my favorites. Art is cute and story is funny. I'm not into feral on feral but asides from sex scenes it is a 9/10
Post number #1047012, ID: 25e638
i still remember the DJ P0N-3 scene being my favorite. "Take drugs and fuck at a rave setting" is honestly super hot
Post number #1047073, ID: eeac8a
My little Pony?
Post number #1047219, ID: 313123
>>1047012 I don't remember this
Post number #1047276, ID: 2fd232
I played that when I was around 10, didn't understand what they were doing but I was into ponies already back then Replayed it recently, it sucks that you're limited to just 3 days, I wish there was a way to score everyone in one playthrough. This theme is blissful and I've had it playing on loop for a few days now.
Post number #1047647, ID: 68b149
Post number #1047735, ID: 25e638
I think you CAN do everything in 3 days you just need some hyper-specific path to do so. I think the best ending of the game requires you impregnating all of the fuckable characters.
Post number #1047785, ID: 79fab1
>>1047735 no, each sex scene takes half of a day and there are more than 6 characters to fuck.
Post number #1047816, ID: 25e638
>>1047785 Oh. Maybe it just requires you to have sex at every possible opportunity. I remember fucking the princesses was oddly involved with Luna requiring an entire boss battle-type sequence.
was it possible to fuck Celestia or was it always just you getting raped by her guards
Post number #1047871, ID: 20dad9
>>1047816 always the rape, but you can wait for specific moments to try and sneak. Results in the same thing. Luna is possible only after sexing everyone day and night, and she is available on the last night.
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last modified on:
Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1741736113
| Replayed it and it unlocked memories of when I was a kid.
It has some really nice track, night theme and spa being my favorites.
Art is cute and story is funny. I'm not into feral on feral but asides from sex scenes it is a 9/10